
en-GB Default locale
- Fallback locales


Defined 73

These messages are correctly translated into the given locale.

Locale Domain Times used Message ID Message Preview
en-GB messages 1 general.skipToContentLink Skip to main content
en-GB messages 1 general.noscriptNotice To be able to use the full range of Shopware 6, we recommend activating Javascript in your browser.
en-GB messages 1 header.topBarAriaLabel Shop settings
en-GB messages 2 header.currencyTrigger Change currency (Euro is the current currency)
en-GB messages 2 header.currencyList Available currencies
en-GB messages 2 header.logoLink Go to homepage
en-GB messages 2 general.menuLink Menu
en-GB messages 2 header.searchPlaceholder Enter search term...
en-GB messages 2 header.searchButton Search
en-GB messages 1 header.searchCloseButton Close the dropdown search
en-GB messages 3 account.myAccount Your account
en-GB messages 2 general.offcanvasCloseMenu Close menu
en-GB messages 2 account.loginSubmit Log in
en-GB messages 1 account.orRegister or
en-GB messages 2 account.orRegisterLink Sign up
en-GB messages 2 account.overviewLink Overview
en-GB messages 2 account.profileLink Your profile
en-GB messages 2 account.addressLink Addresses
en-GB messages 2 account.paymentLink Payment methods
en-GB messages 2 account.ordersLink Orders
en-GB messages 3 checkout.cartTitle Shopping cart
en-GB messages 25 *
en-GB messages 1 header.navigationAriaLabel Main navigation
en-GB messages 1 general.homeLink Home
en-GB messages 10 general.toCategory Show all
en-GB messages 1 general.categories Categories
en-GB messages 3 listing.filterTitleText Filter
en-GB messages 1 listing.filterClose Close filters
en-GB messages 1 listing.filterManufacturerDisplayName Manufacturer
en-GB messages 1 listing.filterByManufacturerAriaLabel Filter by manufacturer
en-GB messages 13 listing.disabledFilterTooltip This filter does not display any further results in combination with the selected filters.
en-GB messages 12 listing.filterCountAriaLabel %count% selected
en-GB messages 11 listing.filterByAriaLabel Filter by color
en-GB messages 1 listing.filterPriceDisplayName Price
en-GB messages 1 listing.filterByPriceAriaLabel Filter by price
en-GB messages 1 listing.filterRangeActiveMinLabel Price from
en-GB messages 1 listing.filterRangeActiveMaxLabel Price to
en-GB messages 1 listing.filterRangeErrorMessage The minimum value cannot be higher than the maximum value.
en-GB messages 1 listing.filterRangeLowerBoundErrorMessage The minimum and maximum value must be greater or equal to 0.
en-GB messages 1 listing.filterRangeMinLabel Minimum
en-GB messages 1 listing.filterRangeMaxLabel Maximum
en-GB messages 1 listing.filterRatingDisplayName Rating min.
en-GB messages 1 listing.filterByRatingAriaLabel Filter by minimum rating
en-GB messages 1 listing.filterRatingActiveLabelStart min.
en-GB messages 1 listing.filterRatingActiveLabelEndSingular star
en-GB messages 1 listing.filterRatingActiveLabelEnd stars
en-GB messages 1 listing.filterRatingAriaLabelCount %stars% stars selected
en-GB messages 1 listing.filterRatingAriaLabelCountSingular 1 star selected
en-GB messages 5 listing.filterRatingMinAltText Add filter: Minimum rating of 5 out of 5 stars
en-GB messages 5 listing.filterRatingAndMore min. 5/5
en-GB messages 1 listing.filterPanelResetAll Reset all
en-GB messages 1 listing.filterResetAllAriaLabel Reset all filters
en-GB messages 1 listing.filterRemoveAriaLabel Remove filter
en-GB messages 2 general.pagination.title Pagination
en-GB messages 1 general.sortingLabel Sorting
en-GB messages 1 listing.filterPanelAriaLivePaginated (pluralization is used) Showing 24 out of 1000 products.
en-GB messages 6 listing.boxAddProduct Add to shopping cart
en-GB messages 21 listing.listingTextFrom From
en-GB messages 42 listing.boxProductDetails Details
en-GB messages 1 detail.reviewAvgRatingAltText Average rating of 3 out of 5 stars
en-GB messages 1 footer.serviceHotlineHeadline Service hotline
en-GB messages 1 general.expand Expand
en-GB messages 1 general.collapse Collapse
en-GB messages 1 footer.serviceHotline Support and counselling via: <a href="tel:+49180000000">0180 - 000000</a> Mon-Fri, 9 am - 5 pm
en-GB messages 1 footer.serviceContactText Or via our <a data-ajax-modal="true" data-url="/widgets/cms/01938a4c30c772ef96c60c411014552c" href="/widgets/cms/01938a4c30c772ef96c60c411014552c" title="Contact form">contact form</a>.
en-GB messages 1 footer.includeVatText * All prices incl. VAT plus <a data-ajax-modal="true" href="/widgets/cms/01938a4c3431726997b66f72c06cba2d" data-url="/widgets/cms/01938a4c3431726997b66f72c06cba2d">shipping costs</a> and possible delivery charges, if not stated otherwise.
en-GB messages 1 footer.copyrightInfo Realised with Shopware
en-GB messages 1 general.scrollUpBtn Go back to the top of the page
en-GB messages 1 cookie.headline Cookie preferences
en-GB messages 1 cookie.messageText This website uses cookies to ensure the best experience possible. <a data-ajax-modal="true" data-url="/widgets/cms/01938a4c346a705090ed162b6b576927" href="/widgets/cms/01938a4c346a705090ed162b6b576927" title="More information">More information...</a>
en-GB messages 1 cookie.deny Only technically required
en-GB messages 1 cookie.configure Configure
en-GB messages 1 general.back Back

Fallback 0

These messages are not available for the given locale but Symfony found them in the fallback locale catalog.

No fallback translation messages were used.

Missing 0

These messages are not available for the given locale and cannot be found in the fallback locales. Add them to the translation catalogue to avoid Symfony outputting untranslated contents.

There are no messages of this category.